The biggest and latest trend that teenagers are turning to today is the new activity known as “juuling”. Teenagers are beginning to “juul” just about anywhere, whether it be at school, at work, on the street, or in their own home. Juul is a company that manufactures a highly potent…
Articles Posted in Product Liability
TriStar Pressure Cooker Injury Lawsuit
TriStar electric pressure cookers have a design flaw that sometimes allows the device to pressurize without the locked lid. This defect causes the lid to explode when opened and projects scalding hot liquids over anyone nearby. Users have suffered severe burns and facial disfigurement due to the lid defect. These…
PFAS Cancer Lawsuit (AFFF)
This page is about the AFFF/PFAS lawsuit. Our lawyers are handling firefighting foam lawsuits throughout the United States. AFFF lawsuits are based on studies showing that Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances are linked to severe adverse health effects, particularly various cancers. This is a public health concern, because of how prevalent…
What Is a Bellwether Trial?
Bellwether trials are like “test” cases used is big mass torts such as class action MDLs involving hundreds or even thousands of individual plaintiffs. To understand what a bellwether trial is, you need to understand how modern mass tort litigation works. Understanding Mass Torts In mass tort litigation, there is…
Beovu Vision Loss Class Action Lawsuit Possible
Our lawyers are handling cases for victims who want o bring a Novartis Beovu lawsuit in all 50 states. Recent studies and reports have found an association between Beovu and retinal vasculitis with vision loss. This comes only months after it received FDA approval. What Is Beovu? Brolucizumab-dbll, known by…
Top 12 Common Household Items That May Harm Your Baby
As you care for your little one, you should be mindful of everyday items in your home that can risk their safety. Just because an item was made for babies does not mean it is entirely safe. Cribs and strollers can still be a safety risk to your baby. However,…
Abbott Dragonfly OpStar Imaging Catheter Recall
Last week, the FDA announced Abbott’s recall of its Dragonfly OpStar Imaging Catheter on May 26, 2022. Abbott recalled the device because some parts of it may break off and remain in the body. The FDA reported that this defect may cause severe injuries, including ischemia, infections, embolisms, thrombosis, and…
Belviq Cancer Lawsuit Lawyer
Our lawyers are handling Belviq lawsuits in all 50 states. This page provides a March 2022 update in these lawsuits and discusses potential settlement amounts and jury payouts for these cases. Our attorneys also give you the latest update on the settlement talks. If you have a potential Belviq cancer…
Inclined Infant Sleeper Lawsuits
Incline sleepers for infants, such as the Fisher-Price Rock n’ Play, put infants at risk of harm, including Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and Sudden Unexpected Infant Death (SUID). If your baby was died or was seriously injured in an inclined sleep you may be able to file a product…
Medtronic Micra Leadless Pacemaker May Have Dangerous Defect
According to a new public warning from the FDA, certain leadless pacemakers made by Medtronic have a defect that may cause them to poke holes in the heart resulting in life-threatening complications. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently posted a new warning regarding a potentially fatal defect in the…