In the aftermath of the destructive wildfires that ravaged Mau, a series of property and personal injury wildfire lawsuits has emerged, targeting various entities involved in fire management and response. These legal actions raise important questions about negligence, responsibility, and the application of Hawaii law in addressing the extensive property…
Lawsuit Information Center
Allergan Breast Implant Lawsuits
Federal lawsuits against Allergan’s Natrelle Biocell Textured Breast Implants emerged months after its manufacturer, Allergan, recalled it. The U.S. Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation consolidated all federal into an MDL class action in New Jersey (most recent court order). The MDL lawsuits allege that the implants cause breast implant-associated anaplastic…
What to Expect in the Paraquat Litigation in 2023
Paraquat is a heavy-duty herbicide widely used in commercial farming in the U.S. for decades. Recent scientific research has shown that chronic exposure to Paraquat can significantly increase the risk of developing Parkinson’s disease. The emergence of this evidence has led to thousands of former farmers filing Paraquat lawsuits alleging…
Florida Mesothelioma Lawyers
The national mesothelioma and asbestos lawyers at Miller & Zois represent victims of asbestos exposure across the state of Florida. Have the skills and resources to get Florida mesothelioma victims maximum compensation. This page will look at mesothelioma lawsuits in Florida and their average settlement value. About Mesothelioma Mesothelioma is…
When Will I Get a 3M Earplug Settlement Check?
There are reports of 3M earplug settlement. Now more than ever, veterans are asking “When is my 3M earplug case going to settle?” They are also asked how do I opt out of a settlement because I’m not taking this offer. In this post, we will try to explain exactly…
Texas Appellate Court Upholds $7.1 Million Verdict
In the case of Red Bluff v. Tarpley (No. 14-22-190), a Texas appellate panel upheld a $7.1 million verdict for a nursing home assistant, Nicole Tarpley, on Thursday. She was injured when a patient weighing over 300 pounds fell on her leg after a wheelchair malfunction at a Red Bluff…
Orlando Car Accident Lawsuits and Settlements
On this page, our car accident attorneys will discuss Orlando auto accident lawsuits. We will explain some of the relevant areas of Florida law that apply in auto tort cases and we will discuss how much settlement compensation plaintiffs typically get in car accident lawsuits in Orlando. Auto Accidents in…
Illinois Birth Injury Malpractice Law
This page will review Illinois medical malpractice cases involving birth injuries. We will explain some of the relevant laws in Illinois and look at the settlement value of Illinois birth injury lawsuits. About Birth Injuries The term “birth injury” simply refers to physical harm inflicted on a baby due to…
Negligent Security Lawsuits
On this page, our lawyers will explain the basics of negligent security lawsuits (also referred to as inadequate security lawsuits). Negligent security lawsuits are a subset of premises liability in which property owners are held liable for unsafe conditions that cause injury to visitors or customers. In negligent security cases,…
What Does a Worker’s Compensation Lawyer Do?
Worker’s compensation is a specialized area of law that focuses on the rights and benefits of employees who have been injured or fallen ill as a result of their jobs. In most cases, when you are injured, you cannot sue your employer due to state laws that limit or eliminate…