United States of America

Paraquat is a heavy-duty herbicide widely used in commercial farming in the U.S. for decades. Recent scientific research has shown that chronic exposure to Paraquat can significantly increase the risk of developing Parkinson’s disease.

The emergence of this evidence has led to thousands of former farmers filing Paraquat lawsuits alleging that their occupational exposure to the herbicide caused them to develop Parkinson’s disease.

The Paraquat product liability lawsuits have been consolidated into a class action MDL that has been ongoing for the last two years. In this post, we will look back at how the Paraquat litigation unfolded, the current status of this ongoing mass tort, and what to expect from the Paraquat litigation in 2023.

The national mesothelioma and asbestos lawyers at Miller & Zois represent victims of asbestos exposure across the state of Florida. Have the skills and resources to get Florida mesothelioma victims maximum compensation. This page will look at mesothelioma lawsuits in Florida and their average settlement value.

About Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma is a unique type of cancer that is only known to be cause by exposure to asbestos. Mesothelioma originates in the lining surrounding the lungs and other organs inside the body.

In the case of Red Bluff v. Tarpley (No. 14-22-190), a Texas appellate panel upheld a $7.1 million verdict for a nursing home assistant, Nicole Tarpley, on Thursday. She was injured when a patient weighing over 300 pounds fell on her leg after a wheelchair malfunction at a Red Bluff LLC-operated nursing home. The lawsuit claimed that Red Bluff did not warn Tarpley about moving bariatric surgery patients alone. Although the trial court gave its final judgment on Feb. 4, 2022, Red Bluff asked to reset the deadline on March 14, 2022.


Texas Personal Injury Law and Settlements

On this page, our car accident attorneys will discuss Orlando auto accident lawsuits. We will explain some of the relevant areas of Florida law that apply in auto tort cases and we will discuss how much settlement compensation plaintiffs typically get in car accident lawsuits in Orlando.

Auto Accidents in Orlando

The city of Orlando, in Organ County, FL, has a population of just over 300,000. The larger Orlando metropolitan area includes over 2.5 million people. In addition to all of these local residents, however, are large numbers of tourists who populate Orlando and the surrounding area all year round. Walt Disney World has made Orlando the 4th most visited city in the U.S.

This page will review Illinois medical malpractice cases involving birth injuries. We will explain some of the relevant laws in Illinois and look at the settlement value of Illinois birth injury lawsuits.

About Birth Injuries

The term “birth injury” simply refers to physical harm inflicted on a baby due to something that happens during the process of labor and childbirth. Unlike birth defects, birth injuries are not genetically inherited. Birth injuries are most often the result of medical negligence during delivery.

On this page, our lawyers will explain the basics of negligent security lawsuits (also referred to as inadequate security lawsuits). Negligent security lawsuits are a subset of premises liability in which property owners are held liable for unsafe conditions that cause injury to visitors or customers. In negligent security cases, the property owner or business is held liable for failing to provide adequate security to protect guests from violence.

We will outline the basic elements of negligent security cases, which are the same in every state. We will also discuss the settlement payout value of inadequate security lawsuits across the country by discussing the factors that impact the value of these cases and looking at recent reported settlements and verdicts in prior cases.


Worker’s compensation is a specialized area of law that focuses on the rights and benefits of employees who have been injured or fallen ill as a result of their jobs.

In most cases, when you are injured, you cannot sue your employer due to state laws that limit or eliminate personal injury claims against your employer.  So worker’s compensation lawyer is an attorney who specializes in this field, representing either the injured worker or the employer during compensation claims processes. The core of what a comp lawyer does revolves around ensuring that an injured worker receives all of the benefits that the law will allow.

Our law firm only focuses on severe injury or wrongful death workers’ compensation claims.  So, for most of you, thankfully, our workers’ compensation lawyers will not be able to represent you. But the information here applies to anyone who has a workers’ compensation claim and wants to better understand the process and what their workers’ compensation lawyer will do for them.

This page explores Delaware settlement amounts and jury payouts. It summarizes Delaware personal injury law, including the types of cases that may be brought, the statute of limitations, and the damages that may be awarded.  It is written both for lawyers who should bookmark this page and victims who want to learn more about settlement value and personal injury law in Delaware.

Delaware Injury Verdicts and Settlements

  • $190,000 Verdict (Kent County 2021): A general surgeon at Bayhealth Medical Center operated on the plaintiff to remove his cancerous thyroid gland and, in doing so, failed to remove part of the cancerous right lobe of his thyroid gland and his cancerous left lobe. The negligent surgery allowed the cancer to progress and required the plaintiff to undergo additional surgery.

This post will explain the basics of negligent security lawsuits in Oklahoma. Victims of assault, sexual battery, robbery, murder, or other acts of violence can bring a negligent security lawsuit to get compensation for what happened to them. Oklahoma law allows these victims to hold businesses and property owners liable for failing to protect them.

This page will explain the basic elements of negligent security cases in Oklahoma. We will also look at the potential settlement value of inadequate security lawsuits in Oklahoma by summarizing recent reported settlements and verdicts in prior cases.


Below is an example Atlanta negligent security lawsuit.

Negligent security claims arise when an individual is injured on another person’s property due to inadequate security measures, creating an environment where criminal activity can occur. In Atlanta, Georgia, property owners have a legal obligation to ensure that their premises are reasonably safe and secure, taking into account foreseeable risks to visitors and tenants.

This duty includes includes having proper lighting, security personnel, surveillance cameras, and other security measures to deter crime. A failure to implement or maintain these measures may result in legal liability if someone is harmed as a result.

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