Articles Posted in Injuries

This page will look at broken arms and other types of arm injuries in personal injury lawsuits. We will discuss the various types of arm injuries that our lawyers typically see in tort cases, and we will analyze the average settlement payout value for these arm injuries in a lawsuit.

Arm Injuries in Car Accidents

Arm injuries in car accidents are common due to the confined space of the vehicle, the force of impact, and the natural instinct of occupants to brace for impact with their arms. The types and severity of these injuries can vary widely depending on factors such as the speed of the collision, the direction of impact, whether occupants were wearing seat belts, and the deployment of airbags.

This page discusses injury claims related to bicep injuries resulting from car accidents and other incidents. Our legal team examines the causes of these injuries and explores the typical compensation amounts awarded by juries or settled for torn bicep injuries.

About Bicep Tear Injuries

The biceps are muscles located on the front of the upper arm responsible for bending the forearm at the elbow. The bicep is connected to bones by three tendons. One tendon extends from the shoulder’s outer side, attaching the bicep to the top of the shoulder socket. A second tendon secures the bicep to the inner side of the shoulder socket on the shoulder blade (scapula). Finally, a third tendon links the bicep to the lower arm bone (radius) at the elbow.

As a victim of personal injury seeking compensation in Florida, it is natural to want to understand the potential range of settlement payouts for your case.  So this page analyzes Florida settlement statistics and how similar cases have been resolved in the state, offering settlement statistics and examples of settlements and jury awards to help you gauge the potential value of your claim.

But.. approach settlement statistics and sample settlements with caution. No cases are identical, even when they feel identical.   The factors driving the settlement payout of a case may not always be apparent in a case summary. Comparing cases and statistics can absolutely provide valuable information about the potential value of your claim – that is why we are providing example Florida settlement amounts and jury payouts for you.  Still, you need to consult a Florida personal injury attorney who can fit your case to all the variables to determine the range of your expected settlement payout range.

We also provide a detailed summary of the Florida personal injury law you need to know to better understand the rules governing your injury or wrongful death claim.

In this post, we will talk about sciatica as an injury in accident lawsuits. Sciatica is a condition involving nerve pain from impingement on the sciatic nerve. It is something that we commonly see in personal injury lawsuits and it can potentially increase the settlement value of a case.


Average Neck and Back Injury Settlements

When a dog attacks and bites someone it can cause very serious and painful physical injuries. Fortunately, most dog bite victims have the ability to get compensation by bringing a lawsuit against the dog’s owner (which should be covered by their homeowner’s insurance). On this page, we will look at Maryland dog bite lawsuits and the average settlement payouts in these cases.

Maryland Dog Bite Law

In Maryland, dog owners can be held responsible for injuries caused by their dog in almost any circumstances.

If you are physically injured in a car accident you are legally entitled to financial compensation for your injuries. A good auto accident lawyer can help you get the maximum amount of compensation for your accident. The car accident lawyers at Miller & Zois have a long track record of success in auto tort cases. Over the years, we have recovered millions on behalf of clients injured in car accidents or truck accidents.

At Miller & Zois, we focus on getting top dollar for each auto accident case we take in, even if that means going to court. Our willingness to litigate auto tort cases is well-known to the major auto insurance carriers and their claims adjusters. This reputation gives us tremendous leverage that we can use to negotiate a full-value settlement of your case.

Auto Accident Law

This page will look at lung cancer as an injury in tort lawsuits such as medical malpractice and product liability cases. We will look at the characteristics, treatment options and prognosis of lung cancer and what the potential settlement value of this disease is in personal injury cases.

Lung Cancer Overview and Statistics 

Lung cancer is cancer that originates in the tissue of the lungs. Lung cancer is one of the most common of all types of cancer. Over 200,000 new cases of lung cancer are diagnosed every year in the U.S., with a roughly equal split between men and women. This ranks lung cancer in the top 5 most common cancers.

This page will look at the average settlement payout value for ankle and foot injuries in auto accidents, slip and fall, and other types of personal injury lawsuits. Our personal injury lawyers have handled countless accident cases involving foot and ankle injuries and recovered millions on behalf of our clients. On this page, we will look at some general statistics for settlements and verdicts involving foot and ankle injuries. We will also explain what factors tend to drive the potential settlement value of foot and ankle injury claims, and we will summarize recent verdicts and reported settlements from foot and ankle injury cases.

Valuing Foot & Ankle Injuries in Accident Cases

Foot and ankle injuries are very common in auto accidents. The foot and ankle are often in a very vulnerable position during an impact. Injuries to the foot or ankle in a car accident cover a very wide range of severity from minors sprains to complex fractures. This results in an equally wide range of foot injury compensation payouts.

Worker’s compensation is a specialized area of law that focuses on the rights and benefits of employees who have been injured or fallen ill as a result of their jobs.

In most cases, when you are injured, you cannot sue your employer due to state laws that limit or eliminate personal injury claims against your employer.  So worker’s compensation lawyer is an attorney who specializes in this field, representing either the injured worker or the employer during compensation claims processes. The core of what a comp lawyer does revolves around ensuring that an injured worker receives all of the benefits that the law will allow.

Our law firm only focuses on severe injury or wrongful death workers’ compensation claims.  So, for most of you, thankfully, our workers’ compensation lawyers will not be able to represent you. But the information here applies to anyone who has a workers’ compensation claim and wants to better understand the process and what their workers’ compensation lawyer will do for them.

A serious burn is one of the most painful types of injuries. Burn injuries are sometimes the subject of personal injury lawsuits such as auto accidents or premises liability. This post will look at the potential settlement value of burn injuries in personal injury lawsuits.

Burn Degrees

The potential settlement value of a burn injury in a tort case will depend on severity of the burn injury. That will largely be based on where the burn is located, how big the burn is, and what degree the burn is classified as. Burns are generally classified into 4 degrees of severity with 4th degree being the most severe.

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