Articles Posted in South Dakota

In South Dakota, personal injury law governs a diverse array of legal disputes that arise from incidents causing physical injury, emotional distress, or other damages. These could include automobile accidents, slip and falls, medical malpractice, and more.

Understanding potential settlement payouts and jury awards in personal injury cases is crucial. The compensation a plaintiff might receive in South Dakota depends on various factors such as the severity of the injuries sustained, the degree of fault or negligence involved, and the unique circumstances of the case.

This page delves into personal injury law in South Dakota, including the state’s laws and regulations, such as the statute of limitations, and looks at recent cases to provide examples of typical settlement amounts and jury payout in South Dakota.

A 28-year-old prison inmate is suing the hospital that circumcised him as a newborn. The reason? He is claiming the procedure has robbed him of his sexual prowess.

He is alleging that the doctor misled his mother into thinking that the circumcision was a necessary medical procedure. He is arguing that it was unnecessary, unethical and without medical benefit.

What’s even more odd is what he is asking for as compensation. In addition to $1,000 in compensatory and punitive damages, he is asking that his foreskin be restored “in the hopes I could feel whole again,” though he acknowledges that he doesn’t expects the “restoration” to be anything more than aesthetic.

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