The page will look at sex abuse lawsuits involving juvenile inmates at Kings County Juvenile Center. Kings County Juvenile Center is a detention facility that houses male and female juvenile offenders, many of whom have been subjected to sexual abuse and/or assault. Juveniles who were sexually abused or assault by staff members at Kings County Juvenile Hall can file a civil lawsuit and get financial settlements.
If you have a potential sex abuse lawsuit involving Kings County Juvenile Detention Center, call our California sex abuse lawyers, today at 800-553-8082 or get a free online consultation.
About Kings County Juvenile Center
Kings County Juvenile Center (KCJC) is the full-service juvenile detention facility for Kings County, California. KCJC is located in Hanford, California. It is a very large facility, with a capacity to hold nearly 100 male and female juvenile inmates – although the average inmate population is usually around 30-50.
KCJC has multiple security-level units. The 200 Unit accommodates both male and female offenders in medium-level security settings. The 300 Unit holds male offenders in a lower-level security “camp” facility. The maximum security unit holds male juvenile detainees at the highest security level.
One of the reasons that KCJC is such a big facility is that Kings County has the highest juvenile arrest and detention rates per capita of any jurisdiction in California. So it puts more juveniles, per capita, in detention than Los Angeles County or other major urban areas. Unlike many other counties in the state, Kings County does not have many alternative detention facilities for juveniles, such as community rehabilitation centers. The net result is a large juvenile inmate population housed at KCJC.
Reputation for Abuse
KCJC also has a very grim reputation for harsh treatment of its juvenile inmates. Correctional staff at the facility are reportedly very physical and frequently use shackles, body slams, and other means of physical restraint to enforce order. Even at the J.C. Montgomery “school” facility at KCJC, correctional staff walk around with tactical gear in classrooms.
KCJC has repeatedly been reprimanded by state authorities for violations involving excessive force on inmates. In 2023, the Board of State and Community Corrections issued a scathing report on conditions at KCJC. The reported cited various violations, including excessive use of solitary confinement, pepper spray, and physical restraints.
Sexual Abuse of Inmates at Kings County Juvenile Center
California’s juvenile detention system has a long and sad history marked by widespread victimization of juvenile inmates by the staff members who are supposed to protect them. This issue has been exposed recently through high-profile lawsuits, criminal charges, and extensive investigations by both state and federal authorities. Although KCJC is a local county facility, it has suffered from all of the same systemic issues and rampant sexual abuse of inmates that have plagued the state juvenile system for years.
Unfortunately, juvenile inmates at facilities like KCJC are highly vulnerable and often become targets for sexual abuse by predatory staff members at the facility. Staff on juvenile inmate sexual is an all too frequent occurrence at places like KCJC. Recent federal and state investigations, along with lawsuits and news reports, have shed light on the true extent of the problem of sexual abuse of juvenile inmates.
Lawsuits for Sexual Abuse of Inmates at KCJC
KCJC is a county-level facility under the jurisdiction of the Kings County Probation Department (KCPD), which is responsible for overseeing all aspects of its operations. This includes the screening, hiring, training, and supervision of correctional officers and staff. As the overseeing authority, KCPD had a legal responsibility to ensure the safety, care, and custody of the juveniles at the facility.
KCPD could be held liable for sexual abuse at KCJC if it was aware of the issue but failed to take reasonable actions to protect the inmates. To prove liability, a victim would need to establish a link between their abuse and KCPD’s negligence. This could include specific instances of neglect, such as disregarding previous complaints about known abusers, or more general failures, such as insufficient policies or inadequate staff supervision.
Deadline for Filing KCJC Sex Abuse Lawsuits
California has recently enacted new laws increasing the statute of limitations for civil lawsuits involving child sexual abuse.
For Abuse Occurring After January 1, 2024
California law now allows survivors of childhood sexual abuse to file civil lawsuits at any time—there is no statute of limitations. This means victims of abuse can seek justice regardless of how much time has passed since the abuse occurred.
For Abuse Occurring Before January 1, 2024
The previous legal time limits still apply. Victims must file a lawsuit by their 40th birthday or within five years of discovering the impact of the abuse—whichever is later. If this timeframe has already passed, filing a civil sex abuse lawsuit may no longer be an option.
Special Rules for Claims Against State and County Government
Normally, lawsuits against government entities require strict procedures, including filing a formal claim within a limited timeframe. However, for survivors of childhood sexual abuse in government-run facilities, such as juvenile detention centers, these procedural barriers have been eliminated. Victims can file a lawsuit directly without needing to submit prior claims.
Settlement Value of KCJC Juvenile Detention Center Sex Abuse Lawsuits
Sexual abuse lawsuits in general tend to have a very high settlement value because these cases can trigger strong emotional reactions from juries if they go to trial. To avoid this risk, defendants will often feel compelled to settle even at high amounts. The potential settlement compensation for a KCJC detention center sex abuse lawsuit depends on several critical factors:
Severity of Abuse: The psychological and emotional impact of the abuse directly influences settlement amounts. Cases involving severe mental health diagnoses, such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), major depression, or generalized anxiety disorder, often lead to higher settlements.
Strength of Evidence: The strength of evidence plays a pivotal role in determining the settlement amount. Victim testimony can be compelling and may suffice to establish the basis of an abuse claim. However, corroborating evidence like medical records, incident reports, or testimony from other witnesses makes a much stronger case.
Duration of Abuse: Cases involving prolonged or repeated abuse generally result in larger settlements compared to those involving isolated incidents.
Abuser Identification: Naming the person who committed the sexual abuse is NOT necessary to bring a successful juvenile detention center sex abuse case. Most victims are not able to name their abuser. However, in cases where the victim is able to name their abuser, the settlement value will often be higher.
Age of the Victim: The victim’s age is another significant factor. Younger victims often receive larger settlements because the abuse tends to have a much more significant impact on them and they are viewed as more vulnerable.
Contact Us About Kings County Juvenile Center Sex Abuse Lawsuits
If you are thinking about bringing a sexual abuse lawsuit against Kings County Juvenile Center, contact our sex abuse lawyers today for free consultation. Contact us online or call us at 800-553-8082.