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This page is about medical malpractice lawsuits against chiropractors and settlement amounts and jury awards in these cases.

Chiropractic Malpractice Lawsuits

There are not that many chiropractor malpractice cases.  Is it that chiropractors are particularly competent health care providers?  No. Not at all. But chiropractic negligence usually does not result in serious injury.

Most of the chiropractic malpractice lawsuits our lawyers get calls on are negligent manipulation cases where the injury is not particularly serious by viable malpractice case standards and proof of what caused what is usually an exacerbation of a preexisting condition and is a challenge.  If you have a case like this – where there is clear malpractice but the injuries are relatively minor – our firm will not help you and you will likely have a hard time finding a lawyer.  That is not fair. But it is reality.

That said, there are sometimes significant claims made against chiropractors. Because they do not have the halo effect that doctors have with juries, there is a very level playing field for plaintiffs filing suit against them.  Stunningly, chiropractors are trusted less in most communities than lawyers (but ahead of Congress, of course).  Which really is saying something.

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Workers’ compensation is a type of insurance that provides medical benefits and wage replacement to employees who are injured or become ill due to their jobs. In Georgia, workers’ compensation is a no-fault system, which means that employees are entitled to benefits regardless of who caused their injury or illness. So you can get paid for workers’ comp in Georgia even if your mistake caused your injuries.

Who Is Eligible for Georgia Workers’ Compensation?

In Georgia, almost all employees are eligible for workers’ compensation benefits from Day One on the job. Georgia workers’ compensation law requires all businesses with three or more employees to carry workers’ compensation insurance. This includes both full-time and part-time employees, as well as seasonal workers. If the employer does not have insurance, they are responsible for paying the benefits themselves.

Our firm does not buy mass tort leads for many reasons, not the least of which is that we do not believe mass tort lead generation companies deliver quality claims. But it goes deeper than that. There is nothing morally or ethically wrong with buying mass tort leads. But it just feels icky, at least to us.

That said, I follow the pricing pretty closely. Why? It is the closest thing we have to a free market economy that produces the expectations associated with certain pieces of mass tort litigation.

July 2024 Lead Cost Numbers Out of Kilter

This post will examine the average settlement payout value for hand and wrist injuries in tort cases such as auto accidents, slip and falls, premises liability, and more. Our hand injury lawyers will analyze some statistics on verdicts and settlement amounts for hand and wrist claims.

Our attorneys also summarize recent verdicts and reported settlements from prior cases in which the plaintiff’s primary injury was a hand, wrist, or finger injury so that you can get a feel for jury payouts and settlement amounts in hand and wrist injury lawsuits.

Hand and Wrist Injury Settlement Amounts

This is an old blog post that is largely outdated.  But we have a 2024 update at the bottom of the page and a current look back on what the Xarelto lawsuits were about.

Frequent readers of this blog will be aware of the litigation against Bayer/Johnson & Johnson regarding their drug Xarelto. The cases are consolidated in federal court as Multidistrict Litigation (MDL), and the presiding judge is moving proceedings along.

  • November 2017 Update: we have not lost three of these cases in a row
  • January 2018 Update: we just got a huge verdict that will change the course of this litigation forever

What Were the Xarelto Lawsuits About

The lawsuits against Bayer and Janssen Pharmaceuticals regarding Xarelto focused on serious allegations that the drug caused uncontrollable and sometimes fatal bleeding in patients. Plaintiffs claimed that the companies failed to provide adequate warnings about the significant risks associated with the anticoagulant, particularly the absence of an effective antidote to reverse its effects in emergencies. They argued that this lack of information led to severe, and in some cases, fatal bleeding incidents that could have been mitigated or prevented with proper warnings.

Moreover, the plaintiffs accused Bayer and Janssen of marketing Xarelto as a superior alternative to traditional anticoagulants like warfarin, emphasizing convenience over safety by understating the need for monitoring and overestimating the drug’s safety. They contended that Xarelto was defectively designed, lacking in dose flexibility needed to safely manage different patient conditions, and that it was brought to market without sufficient clinical testing to fully understand its risks.

The lawsuits included claims of negligence, asserting that the companies were negligent in their development, testing, and marketing practices. They were accused of prioritizing profit over patient safety, which allegedly led to injuries and deaths. This litigation raised significant concerns about pharmaceutical practices, regulatory oversight, and the balance between drug innovation and patient safety. The multitude of lawsuits eventually led Bayer and Janssen to agree to a $775 million settlement to resolve around 25,000 cases, without admitting to any wrongdoing, thus highlighting the complexities and responsibilities inherent in pharmaceutical development and marketing.

Summer 2015 Update

Over the past few years, product liability suits against the makers and marketers of the drug Xarelto, Bayer/Johnson & Johnson, have been cropping up across the country. The suits are mostly filed in federal court, meaning the parties consolidated them as an MDL. Judge Eldon Fallon is the sole judge presiding over the MDL, giving him the ability to make all pretrial rulings. This is the great thing about an MDL; when many different cases are consolidated, the parties can avoid doing the same discovery over and over again, while getting consistent rulings from a single judge.

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On this page, we will look at the average settlement payout amount for ankle injuries in accident lawsuits. Injuries to the ankle injury ankle sprains, ankle fractures, dislocations, and ligament tears. Ankle injuries are most often seen in auto accident cases and slip and fall or premises liability cases.

Average Settlement Value for Ankle Injury

The average settlement payout for ankle injuries in accident cases is approximately $18,000 to $75,000. As discussed below, where a particular case falls on this value range depends largely on the severity of the injury. Minor ankle injuries like sprains are going to be at the low end of the settlement value range, whereas more serious injuries such as fractures or dislocations will be at the higher end. Also, keep in mind that these are settlement values. The average verdict award for ankle injuries is much higher.

This post examines the average settlement amount in back injury car accident claims. I last updated this page on July 9, 2024.

Let’s start with a few statistics.  A verdicts and settlements database found that the median plaintiff’s verdict award for motor vehicle cases that involved back injuries is $212,500.

For all car, truck, and motorcycle accident injury cases in the database that earned a plaintiff’s verdict, the median award is $300,000.

Last year, a new study by NIH revealed that regular use of chemical hair relaxer products can significantly increase the risk of uterine cancer, ovarian cancer, and other hormone-related diseases. The publication of this study has been followed by a growing wave of hair relaxer lawsuits by women who have used hair relaxer products for years and were diagnosed with one of these conditions.

This post will examine how the hair relaxer litigation has developed over the last six months. We will also explain the status of the hair relaxer class action as of July 2024 and give our predictions of what to expect from this mass tort moving forward.

Hair Relaxer Linked to Cancer

Medical malpractice lawyers specialize in representing victims of medical negligence or errors in lawsuits against doctors, hospitals, nurses, and other licensed healthcare providers. Medical negligence happens much more frequently than most people think and each year thousands of patients are harmed by mistakes or malpractice in a healthcare setting.

Our civil legal system gives victims of medical malpractice the ability to get financial compensation for their injuries by bringing a lawsuit against the doctor or healthcare provider. Medical malpractice attorneys handle these types of cases on a contingency fee basis, meaning they don’t get paid unless you win the case.

There are a lot of medical malpractice lawyers out there. Hiring the best malpractice attorney for your case can be challenging. In this post, we provide a 7-step guide for how to effectively screen and hire the best medical malpractice lawyers.

The Zostavax vaccine lawsuits were jumping with energy. Lawyers wanted these cases which is why you saw television commercials and Facebook and Google ads (and, yes, legal blog posts) from attorneys hustling to sign up victims.

These Zostavax lawsuits alleged that the plaintiffs experienced severe complications, most notably shingles, from being administered it.

Today, these lawsuits are on life support, maybe worse in 2024, as we explain below. We have not rewritten this entire post still has some 2024 excitement in it. But these cases are likely to fall apart, and we explain this below.

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