United States of America

statute repose opinionStatutes of limitations can be very unfair.  But as harsh as the SOL can be, a statute of repose can far more Draconian, closing the courthouse steps on cases where the victims did everything they could to bring a timely action.

What is a statute of repose?  It is amazing how many tort lawyers do not know until they learn the hard way.   A statute of repose provides a date certain by which a claim must be brought.  In most states, there are no excuses.   Unlike a statute of limitations, it often cannot be tolled by the date the injury should have been discovered.

I can’t deny there is a purpose to the statute of repose.  The legislature wants to create some outer time limit where a claim is just too old to be pursued, no matter what.  But some states have these short statutes of repose, seven years in Pennsylvania, and only five in Maryland for medical malpractice cases that are just unfair.

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appellate court nursing homeUnfortunately, most courts around the country have enforced nursing home agreements executed by residents agreeing to forgo civil claims in favor of arbitration for negligence claims.

The game changes in wrongful death cases.  Usually this is for a very simple reason: the parties have changed.  Courts in Maryland and other jurisdictions have largely declined to enforce arbitration agreements between nursing homes and deceased residents because any wrongful death action is not an “asset” of the estate but a claim brought under the plaintiffs’ own right for the loss of their spouse or parent.

There are two new Pennsylvania nursing home cases that favor plaintiffs in these disputes.

Pisano v. Extendicare

In Pisano v. Extendicare Homes, a Pennsylvania intermediate court affirmed the trial court’s motion for summary judgment in a wrongful death and survival action filed against a nursing home.  The nursing home attempted to compel arbitration over both causes of action based on the existence of an agreement to arbitrate all claims against the nursing home, expressly including survival and wrongful death actions.  This was an issue of first impression in Pennsylvania.

The nursing home’s best argument in these cases, which they made in Pisano, is that  a wrongful death claim is a derivative of and defined by the decedent’s rights.   While it is their best argument, it is weak.  The Pennsylvania court agreed using a lot of complicated legal analysis that can best be described as follows:  the parties are different so it is not derivative.

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stryker hip replacement settlement

Stryker hip settlements are being reached

Settlements are being reached in more Stryker Rejuvenate hip replacement cases filed in New Jersey state court.   More resolutions of these cases are likely to be imminent.

The first phase, a group of 10 cases previously selected for early mediation, has resulted in the conclusion of all 10 cases. Additionally, at least two cases from the second phase have resolved.  This is a harbinger of broad agreements on the remaining cases, not only for the 950 cases pending in New Jersey state court but also for the cases pending in the MDL class action.

What are the Stryker Claims About?

Stryker Rejuvenate hip systems were removed from the market less than two years after the design was introduced. While originally designed to last 15 to 20 years, they began to fail immediately.   So that was the first problem.  The second problem is that the Stryker initially did little to try to cure the problem.

What was the complication with this device?  Consisting of modular neck-stems with two pieces that fit inside of each other, they were designed to allow the surgeon to customize the length of the femoral component.  Traditional hip implants consisted of a single femoral component.  So you can see how this was an innovation.  Why did it so epically fail?   What happened was the rubbing of the neck and stem can release microscopic metal debris into the body as the chromium-cobalt neck rubs against the titanium femoral stem.  In simpler terms, the debris is caused by the micromotion of the metal joints rubbing in the artificial hip.  That’s not a good sign – or, a good product.
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A doctor’s failure to properly handle uterine rupture symptoms during childbirth can lead to the death of the child, and injury or death to the mother.   This article discusses these cases and addresses: 

  1. The acts of a physician that lead to vaginal rupture cases.
  2. The types of accidents that lead to large settlements and verdicts.

potiga black box warningThe concerns over the anti-seizure drug Potiga were given new weight by a new black box warning.  The problem is concerns of possible vision loss and blue discoloration of the skin that can be permanent.  The FDA says that anyone who considers this drug should get an eye examination both before initiating treatment and every six months during the course of the treatment.

Just as importantly, the FDA underscores the limits of this medication by essentially saying that this medication should only be used by those who have not done well with other options.  Why?  The risks of taking the drug are pretty high.  So it makes sense to make sure every other option has been fully explored with your doctor.  So this drug has its place, but only in those situations where Protiga’s benefits outweigh the risk.  Of course, this is true with every drug, but particularly so when the risks are what they are here.
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C.R. Bard has been in the transvaginal mesh cases from the very beginning.  I really believe they will try to put together a global settlement that will resolve more than just the cases with pending trial dates.  But in the meantime, Bard will do what it has done from the beginning of this litigation: wage war.  But facts are stubborn things which brings us back to the same theme: these cases will settle.

avaulta vaginal mesh lawsuitsBard is not only fighting the new cases, it is fighting the battles it has already lost.  The most recent battle was a verdict against the company for over $1.4 million.

Bellwether Verdict

The case was a good test case although it was a case that was actually pretty favorable to the defendant because the injuries were not as serious as they are in some other cases.  It is the classic design defect/failure to warn claims against Bard’s Avaulta Plus, a synthetic mesh product designed to treat pelvic organ prolapse.  The woman’s lawsuit claimed that that the arms contained in the mesh device, the small pore size used in the mesh, and the use of polypropylene to make the device were design defects.  On their failure to warn claim, the plaintiff argued that Bard inadequately warned about the risk and severity of the complications Plaintiff eventually experienced.  Plaintiff also argued the obvious: Bard did not adequately warn of the risks.  (Does anyone really disagree with this premise?  I don’t know how they argue that one.)

Bard sought a new trial after the verdict, arguing the case never should have gone to the jury.  Comically, defense counsel actually conceded that many of these issues appropriately went to the jury. But they did a takesey-backsie (is that how you spell it?) on it arguing that there was not enough design defect evidence to go to the jury.

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Risperdal lawsuits have have mostly been resolved as of 2024 after a global settlement was reached.  We have updated this post in 2024 to talk about the Risperdal settlements and are leaving the rest of this post up for informational purposes.  Our lawyers are no longer seeking new claims.

2024 Risperdal Litigation Update

The lawsuits were primarily based on allegations that Risperdal, an antipsychotic medication, led to the development of gynecomastia in boys and young men, a condition characterized by the growth of breast tissue.

A new study suggests a potential link between spinal surgeries involving Medtronic Infuse and cancer.  This is not only concern.  It is just the latest.  This product, which certainly helps many patients, comes with a great deal of risk.

medtronic infuse bone graft cancer

Growing concerns with use of Medtronic Infuse

The Medtronic Infuse Bone Graft is a product that helps patients to create bone.   Before this innovation, the bone was harvested from the hip. The product is approved for fractures of the tibia, degenerative disc disease, and some dental bone grafting procedures.  Medtronic has made billions on it.  Wanting even more money, the pushed doctors to use this product for everything but the common cold.  But sales are falling now that more and more flaws in the product come to light.

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