Shawono Center Juvenile Sex Abuse Lawsuits

On this page, we will discuss sexual abuse lawsuits brought by juvenile inmates who were sexually abused or assaulted at the Shawono Center in Michigan. The Shawono Center is a juvenile “treatment facility” operated by the state of Michigan. Juvenile residents at Shawono are frequently victims of sexual assault by staff and by other inmates due to the state’s negligence. Victims of sexual abuse at Shawono Center can bring civil lawsuits and get financial compensation.

If you have a potential sex abuse lawsuit against Shawono Center, contact our Michigan sex abuse lawyers today at 800-553-8082 or get a free online consultation. Our attorneys will fight to get you the overdue compensation that you deserve.

About Shawono Center

The Shawono Center is described as a secure “treatment facility” for juveniles between ages 12 and 21 that have been convicted in the juvenile justice system for serious felony crimes. Although Shawono is labeled as a “treatment center” it is really much more like a juvenile detention center. Juveniles who are sent to Shawono are not free to leave and kept under high security just like inmates.

The Shawono Center facility is located in Grayling, Michigan, which is a small town in Crawford County. Crawford County is located a few hours northwest of Detroit, near the top of the Michigan peninsula. Although Shawono Center’s location is very remote, it receives juveniles from all across the state.

Although it is essentially a juvenile correctional facility, the Shawono Center is presented as treatment facility. Shawono offers four specific “treatment programs” for juvenile inmates: sex offender treatment, addiction treatment, general delinquency treatment, and criminal behavior treatment. Inmates also receive educational services.

Shawono Center and operated by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (“MDHHS”). MDHHS has fully operational responsibility and control over Shawono and staff at the facility are mostly employees of MDHHS. Shawono is one of only 2 remaining juvenile facilities in Michigan that are operated by the state.

Sexual Abuse of Juvenile Inmates at Shawono

Recent reports and investigations have shown that juvenile detention or “treatment” centers, such as Shawono, have fostered a culture of systemic neglect that has left juvenile inmates highly vulnerable to sexual abuse by staff and other inmates. The rate of sexual assault and abuse of juvenile detainees at Shawono and other facilities is alarmingly high.

An investigation by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) found that the rate of sexual abuse and assault of juvenile inmates in Michigan was significantly higher than the national average. In fact, Shawono Center was one of 2 juvenile facilities that was specifically named in the DOJ report as having an abnormally high rate of sexual assaults on inmates.

The responsibility for this lays squarely on the state of Michigan and MDHHS. MDHHS has been chronically negligent in its management and operation of juvenile facilities like Shawono. This has allowed a culture of physical and sexual abuse of inmates to exist for a long time. MDHHS officials and other state authorities were aware of this issue, but did very little to address the problem.

Victims Can File Civil Lawsuits and Get Compensation

Anyone who was the victim of sexual assault of abuse while they were a juvenile inmate at Shawono Center can bring a civil lawsuit and seek financial compensation. In recent years, a growing number of victims of sexual assault in Michigan juvenile detention centers have come forward and brought lawsuits against MDHHS and the state.

MDHHS has a legal duty to ensure that juvenile inmates at Shawono and other facilities are kept reasonably safe from sexual assault and abuse. This duty extends not just to sexual abuse by staff, but also by other inmates. There is growing body of evidence showing that MDHHS has continuously and significantly neglected this duty in various ways. This means that MDHHS can be held liable in a civil lawsuit.

Deadline for Michigan Sex Abuse Lawsuits

Under Michigan’s existing statute of limitations, survivors of child sexual abuse have until their 28th birthday to file a civil lawsuit, or three years from the date they realize the harm was caused by the abuse, whichever is later. However, a pending case before the Michigan Supreme Court could potentially result in a significant extension of this time limit.

Separately, the Michigan State Senate has recently passed a proposed bill aimed at extending the deadline for child sexual abuse lawsuits. If enacted, the new legislation would provide victims with significantly more time to file claims. It would also include a one-year revival window, allowing those with previously time-barred claims to bring their cases forward.

Settlement Value of Shawono Center Sex Abuse Lawsuits

The settlement payout value of juvenile inmate sex abuse lawsuits can be very high. Many of these cases settle for over $1 million. These high values are driven by the lasting effects of the abuse and the egregious failures of the state and its agencies.

Settlement calculations for juvenile detention center sexual abuse lawsuits in Michigan consider several key factors, including the severity of the abuse, the impact on the victim, and the institution’s level of negligence. Key elements influencing per-person settlement payouts include:

  • Severity and Duration of Abuse: The nature, extent, and duration of the abuse, as well as the physical and psychological harm inflicted, play a major role in determining the settlement amount. Even a single incident of abuse can cause lasting damage and may result in substantial payouts from defendants or jury awards.
  • Impact on the Victim: Settlements often reflect the abuse’s immediate and long-term effects on the victim’s mental health, daily life, and future prospects. Lawyers frequently collaborate with psychologists and other experts to present evidence of the victim’s trauma and its enduring impact.
  • Institutional Negligence: The degree of negligence or misconduct by the institution significantly affects settlement amounts. Institutions that failed to act on abuse reports, provided inadequate supervision, or demonstrated systemic negligence often face higher payouts. Cases where institutions turned a blind eye to abuse or exhibited gross misconduct typically lead to increased settlements due to the anger such failures provoke in juries.
  • Economic Damages: While many cases do not involve significant economic losses, victims may claim damages for medical expenses, psychological counseling, and other related costs. In some instances, victims can also demonstrate past and future economic losses stemming from the emotional injuries caused by the abuse.
  • Non-Economic Damages: These damages cover subjective harms such as pain and suffering, emotional distress, and loss of enjoyment of life. Non-economic damages often constitute a significant portion of the settlement, as juries tend to award substantial amounts in this category.
  • Punitive Damages: In cases involving gross negligence or intentional misconduct, courts may award punitive damages to punish the institution and deter similar future behavior. The potential for punitive damages can significantly increase settlement amounts.

Contact Us About Shawono Center Sex Abuse Lawsuits

If you are thinking about bringing a sexual abuse lawsuit against a juvenile detention facility like Shawono Center, contact our sex abuse lawyers today for free consultation. Contact us online or call us at 800-553-8082

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