Spofford Juvenile Detention Center Sex Abuse Lawsuits

This page will explain how victims of sexual abuse at Spofford Juvenile Detention Center in the Bronx can file civil sex abuse lawsuits against the state and get financial compensation. The Spofford Juvenile Detention Center operated for over 50 years until it was closed in 2011. During that time, thousands of juvenile inmates may have been sexually abused or assaulted by guards or other inmates. Now these victims can finally get justice.

Our New York sex abuse lawyers are currently accepting Spofford Juvenile Detention Center sex abuse lawsuits. If you think you have a case call us today at 800-553-8082 or contact us online.

New York Sex Abuse Lawsuits and Settlements

About Spofford Juvenile Detention Center

Spofford Juvenile Detention Center was a massive detention facility for juvenile offenders from New York City. Spofford was located in the Hunts Point area in the Bronx. Spofford first opened back in 1954 and it was in continuous operation for the next 54 years until the facility was shut down in 2011 due to rampant allegations of abuse and mistreatment of inmates.

Spofford was operated by the New York City Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ). During most of its existence, Spofford was essentially a very large intake and temporary detention facility for juvenile offenders under 15 years and under who were awaiting adjudication or transfer to another facility.

Spofford developed a notorious reputation during its decades of existence. Over 90% of juvenile inmates at Spofford were minorities from low-income areas. The New York Supreme Court described Spofford in the 1990s as “indistinguishable from a prison.” The facility held just under 300 inmates at a time.

Sexual Abuse of Inmates at Spofford

Spofford was arguably one of the worst juvenile detention facilities in the country in terms of abuse and mistreatment of inmates. By the late 1990s, Spofford was the subject of 40-50 child-abuse claims per year. In 1997, a counselor at Spofford shackled the hands and feet of a 15-year-old female inmate and then raped her. Sadly this was just one of many reported incidents of sexual abuse or assault on juveniles at Spofford.

This is growing body of evidence showing that DJJ was grossly negligent in its operation and administration of Spofford, and that this negligence enabled sexual abuse of juvenile inmates to be a systemic problem. Eventually, the reports of sexual abuse and mistreatment of inmates at Spofford prompted activist groups to protest and push for change. In 2011, DJJ finally agreed to permanently close Spofford. The facility was torn down and replaced by a large affordable housing development.

Spofford Sex Abuse Lawsuits

Thanks to new laws in New York making it easier for victims of child sexual abuse to seek justice, a growing number of individuals who were victims of sexual abuse at Spofford are now bringing civil lawsuits. In 2024, a group of hundreds of former inmates at Spofford brought a civil lawsuit against DJJ and the City of New York for negligently failing to protect the from sexual abuse.

The DJJ had a legal duty to take reasonable measures to protect juvenile inmates from sexual abuse and assault—whether by staff members or other inmates. This obligated DJJ to implement appropriate and effective policies and procedures for screening potential staff, training them, and properly supervising their contact with juvenile inmates.

DJJ habitually failed to do this. Despite rampant complaints of abuse and misconduct, DJJ failed to take adequate steps to prevent further harm. This negligence included insufficient staff supervision, weak policies, poor training, and a lack of effective safety measures. This means that DJJ can be held liable in a civil sex abuse lawsuit.

Deadline for Filing a Spofford Sex Abuse Lawsuit

New York has some of the most victim-friendly statute of limitations laws for civil lawsuits involving sexual abuse. If the abuse occurred when the victim was a child (under 18 years old), state law allows them to file a civil lawsuit anytime before their 55th birthday.

For survivors who were adults (18 or older) at the time of the abuse, New York recently enacted the Adult Survivors Act (ASA). This law temporarily eliminated the statute of limitations for adult sexual abuse claims, allowing victims to file civil lawsuits until November 23, 2023.

What Constitutes “Sexual Abuse”?

In New York, the legal definition of sexual abuse or sexual assault is similar to that of other states. Under state law, any unwanted and intentional sexual touching or contact can qualify as sexual abuse. Touching is considered “sexual” if it involves a person’s intimate body parts.

Sexual abuse can range from groping to forcible rape, but two key elements must be present:

  1. Physical touching – There must be actual physical contact of a sexual nature. Verbal sexual harassment alone does not qualify.
  2. Lack of consent – Non-consensual sexual contact is automatically classified as abuse or assault.

Minors (anyone under 18) cannot legally give consent under New York law. This means that any sexual contact between an adult and a minor is automatically considered sexual abuse, regardless of the circumstances.

Settlement Value of Spofford Sex Abuse Lawsuits

The amount of compensation you can receive from suing DJJ and NYC for sexual abuse at a Spofford depends on several key factors, including:

  • Strength of Evidence: While a victim’s testimony is often sufficient to prove that abuse occurred, additional evidence can significantly increase the settlement value. Evidence showing that the detention center or its staff were negligent, such as repeated policy failures or inadequate procedures, strengthens the case. Institutions with a history of systemic negligence often face higher liabilities.
  • Severity of Abuse: The level of harm inflicted, including diagnoses of PTSD, depression, anxiety, or other mental health issues, plays a significant role in determining the case’s value. Even without objective physical injuries, claims can remain strong, especially with expert testimony from psychologists or psychiatrists regarding the abuse’s impact on the victim.
  • Age of the Victim: Younger victims often receive higher settlements due to the abuse’s long-term effects on their development and life.

Contact Us About Spofford Juvenile Detention Center Sex Abuse Lawsuits

If you have a potential claim for sexual abuse at Spofford Juvenile Detention Center, contact our sex abuse lawyers today for free consultation. Contact us online or call us at 800-553-8082.

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